Ontdek nieuwe carrièremogelijkheden. Als u meer informatie wilt of geen vacature vindt die aan uw verwachtingen voldoet, neem dan gerust contact met me op.
For AG Real Estate, I am looking for a Legal Advisor with 5 to 7' years experience in Public Real Estate Law. Fluent in Dutch or French, with good command of the other language.
AG Real Estate, the real estate subsidiary of AG Insurance and real estate advisor of Ageas, is the largest real estate group in Belgium. The company manages a 6.6 billion EUR portfolio of office buildings, shopping centres, sustainable (…)
For AG Real Estate, I am looking for a Junior Legal Advisor with a passion for real estate. Fluent in Dutch or French, with excellent command of the other language.
AG Real Estate, the real estate subsidiary of AG Insurance and real estate advisor of Ageas, is the largest real estate group in Belgium. The company manages a 6.6 billion EUR portfolio of office buildings, shopping centres, sustainable urban/residential (…)
For a leading independent Belgian law firm, I am looking for an Associate with 3 to 4 years' experience in Competition Law. Fluent in Dutch and excellent command of English.
The firm is a leading independent business law firm located in Brussels. Its Competition/EU Law and FDI team is a close-knit team of legal experts specialising in providing strategic advice and representation in competition law, foreign direct investment, (…)
For a Legaltech, I am looking for a Key Account Manager with legal background. Fluent in Dutch, with good command of French.
Based in Brussels, the company is a joint venture between two highly regarded Belgian legal publishers. It has developed a new online legal platform for legal professionals that provides access to legislation, case law and doctrine. The platform, which is autonomous, scalable and multi-modular, and to which (…)
For a leading independent Belgian law firm, I am looking for an Associate with 5 to 6 years' experience in Banking & Finance. Fluent in English and excellent command of French or Dutch.
The firm's Corporate & Finance department is one of the largest in Belgium. By seamlessly combining their expertise and knowledge, its lawyers are able to quickly address clients’ needs in corporate and finance matters, whether (…)
Voor AG Insurance, ben ik op zoek naar een Tax & Legal Advisor Life. Nederlandstalig met goede kennis Frans.
AG Insurance is een Belgische verzekeraar die zowel levens- als schadeverzekeringen aanbiedt. Het bedrijf is marktleider in levensverzekeringen en employee benefits en de tweede grootste verzekeraar wat schadeverzekeringen betreft. Het verdeelt zijn producten via banken, onafhankelijke makelaars, grote bedrijven en (…)
For a leading law firm in Luxembourg, I am looking for a (Senior) Associate with 3 to 5 years' experience. Fluent in French with excellent command of English.
The firm is a leading independent business law firm located in Luxembourg. It employs around 40 people and provides high quality legal services to national and international clients in various areas: corporate law (incl. corporate structuring, private (…)
For a young and disruptive business law firm based in Brussels, I am looking for several experienced Lawyers/Partners. Fluent in French and/or Dutch with good knowledge of English.
The firm is an innovative business law firm with a strong international outlook, offering a radically different, alternative approach to both its clients and its lawyers. It was created by a generation of accomplished lawyers with a vision for a more (…)
For a leading independent Belgian law firm, I am looking for an Associate with 5 to 6 years' experience in Corporate M&A. Fluent in French with excellent command of English and good knowledge of Dutch.
The firm's Corporate & Finance practice provides clients with practical and business-wise solutions in all corporate and M&A matters, including in the fields of capital markets, corporate governance, reorganisations, (…)
Voor Fluxys ben ik op zoek naar een Medewerker Vergunningen. Nederlands- of Franstalig met goede kennis van de andere landstaal.
Fluxys is een internationale energie-infrastructuurgroep met 1.300 medewerkers actief in gasvervoer & -opslag en terminalling van vloeibaar aardgas.
De groep transporteert aardgas via zijn infrastructuur en effent tegelijk het pad voor het vervoer van waterstof, biomethaan of andere (…)
Voor AG Insurance, ben ik op zoek naar een Schadebeheerder Rechtsbijstand. Vloeiend in het Nederlands.
Met meer dan 4.000 medewerkers is AG Insurance de Belgische marktleider in verzekeringen. Al bijna 30 jaar behandelt Providis met zorg en empathie claims in rechtsbijstandverzekering. Het Providis-team adviseert onafhankelijk de particuliere klanten van AG Insurance en streeft ernaar voor elk geval een snelle en bevredigende oplossing (…)
For Eneco Wind Belgium, I am looking for a Junior Legal Counsel with initial professional experience. Fluent in Dutch, with good command of French and passive knowledge of English.
Eneco Wind Belgium SA/NV (EWB) is part of the Eneco group since 2008. Eneco is a leading player in the renewable energy sector and aims to be carbon free by 2035. EWB develops, builds and operates offshore and onshore wind farms.
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for a Legal Counsel with at least 5 years' experience in financial law. Fluent in Dutch or French, with good knowledge of English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring the stability of the prices and the financial system, by guaranteeing the security of (…)
Voor die Keure, ben ik op zoek naar een (Adjunct-)Uitgever voor de Professional Publishing divisie. Nederlandstalig met goede kennis Frans.
die Keure behoort tot de wereldtop voor drukwerk en is een toonaangevende speler met Vlaamse roots binnen het Belgische uitgeverslandschap. Met als doel haar klanten te verrijken door op een duurzame en maatschappelijk verantwoorde manier relevante, kwaliteitsvolle content te maken en te (…)
Voor Fluxys ben ik op zoek naar een Community Relations Officer. Nederlands- of Franstalig met goede kennis van de andere landstaal.
Fluxys is een internationale energie-infrastructuurgroep met 1.300 medewerkers actief in gasvervoer & -opslag en terminalling van vloeibaar aardgas.
De groep transporteert aardgas via zijn infrastructuur en effent tegelijk het pad voor het vervoer van waterstof, biomethaan of andere (…)
For the Motion Picture Association, I am looking for a Paralegal with internet/film industry affinity. Fluent in English and Dutch.
The Motion Picture Association is an American trade association representing and defending the interests of the five major U.S. film studios, as well as the video streaming service Netflix. It promotes and protects the intellectual property rights of its members and conducts public awareness programs around (…)
For a leading independent Belgian law firm, I am looking for a Partner to take over the Public and Administrative Law department. Fluent in French with good knowledge of Dutch.
The firm is a leading independent business law firm located in Brussels and renowned for its litigation and arbitration practice.
Its Public and Administrative Law department is one of the firm’s largest departments. It assists national clients in (…)
Pour Technofutur TIC, je suis à la recherche d'un(e) Gestionnaire Marchés publics francophone.
Créé à l’initiative du Gouvernement wallon en 1998, Technofutur TIC est un centre de compétences labellisé, situé sur l’Aéropôle de Gosselies au Nord de Charleroi. Il propose des formations permettant d'accéder aux professions dans le domaine des (…)
Voor een toonaangevende vastgoedinvesteerder en -ontwikkelaar ben ik op zoek naar een Legal Counsel. Nederlandstalig met goede kennis van Frans en Engels.
Het bedrijf is een gerenommeerde internationale investeerder en ontwikkelaar gespecialiseerd in kantoor- en residentieel vastgoed, met een sterke aanwezigheid op uitstekende stedelijke locaties in België, Luxemburg en Polen.
For Holcim, I am looking for a Legal Counsel. Fluent in Dutch, with good command of French or willing to improve it.
Holcim is the world's leading cement company and is in its sector a pioneer in research and development regarding climate transition. Operating in about 70 countries, Holcim is committed to developing sustainable solutions and employs more than 70,000 people worldwide, including 700 in Belgium, across 20 (…)
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for a Legal Counsel to join the Auditor's team in charge of investigating administrative sanction cases against financial institutions. Fluent in Dutch, with at least passive knowledge of French and good command of English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring (…)
For Holcim, I am looking for a Legal Counsel. Fluent in Dutch or French, with good command of the other language.
Holcim is the world's leading cement company and is in its sector a pioneer in research and development regarding climate transition. Operating in about 70 countries, Holcim is committed to developing sustainable solutions and employs more than 70,000 people worldwide, including 700 in Belgium, across 20 sites.
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for a Legal Counsel to strengthen the Legal & Resolution Execution group within the Resolution Unit. Fluent in Dutch or French, with at least passive knowledge of the other language and excellent command of English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring the (…)
Voor Fluxys ben ik op zoek naar een Legal Counsel. Nederlands- of Franstalig met goede kennis van de andere landstaal en Engels.
Fluxys is een internationale energie-infrastructuurgroep met 1.300 medewerkers actief in gasvervoer & -opslag en terminalling van vloeibaar aardgas.
De groep transporteert aardgas via zijn infrastructuur en effent tegelijk het pad voor het vervoer van waterstof, biomethaan of andere (…)
Pour un éditeur juridique de référence, je suis à la recherche d'un(e) Éditeur(trice) francophone.
La maison d'édition concernée fait partie d’un groupe éditorial jeune, dynamique, innovant et ambitieux. Dotée d’une forte notoriété et connue pour la qualité de ses produits et services, elle est spécialisée dans (…)
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for a Legal Counsel to join the 'Prudential Control of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies' division. Fluent in French or Dutch, with good command of the other language and English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring the stability of the prices and (…)
Pour Noshaq, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) Compliance Officer. Francophone avec bonne connaissance de l'anglais.
Noshaq est un fonds d’investissement basé à Liège comptant près de 55 collaborateurs. L'entreprise existe depuis 1985 et soutient la création et le développement de sociétés en région liégeoise en mettant son expérience, ses (…)
For the COST Association, I am looking for an experienced Legal Officer with excellent command of English and good knowledge of French.
The COST Association is an international non-profit association based in Brussels with a membership of 43 European countries. It draws its funding from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, through Specific Grant Agreements signed under the umbrella of a Framework (…)
Voor IZEN (deel van VINCI Energies onder hernieuwbare energie) ben ik op zoek naar een Legal Advisor. Nederlandstalig met goede kennis Engels.
Bij IZEN richt men zich volledig op 100% slimme energie. IZEN is als bedrijf actief in België en Nederland en heeft als doel het realiseren van economisch rendabele en innovatieve hernieuwbare energietechnologieën. Bij het maken van productkeuzes en het uitvoeren van projecten staat (…)
For Invesis, I am looking for a Legal Manager with experience in corporate and finance transactions. Fluent in Dutch, with excellent command of English and good knowledge of French.
Invesis is a global investor and developer in infrastructure projects that create a lasting legacy for future generations. Its long-term commitment to its projects means that its team of experts actively manages all aspects of an investment, from development (…)
For Securitas, I am looking for a DPO / Legal Counsel with a few years of experience. Fluent in Dutch, with excellent command of English and good knowledge of French.
Securitas is the world's leading security and surveillance company and is active in areas such as on-site and remote surveillance, technology solutions, security consultancy and training.
With a combination of people, technology and knowledge, Securitas is able to (…)
For Elia, I am looking for a Legal Counsel with experience in corporate law. Fluent in Dutch, with excellent command of English and good knowledge of French.
With two TSOs – Elia in Belgium and 50Hertz in Germany – Elia Group is one of Europe’s five leading transmission system operators. It is active in electricity transmission and operates 19,192 km of high-voltage connections in Belgium and Germany that secure (…)
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for a Legal Counsel to strengthen the Legal & Resolution Execution group within the Resolution Unit. Fluent in Dutch or French, with at least passive knowledge of the other language and excellent command of English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring the (…)
Pour Noshaq, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) Legal Advisor ayant de l'expérience en droit des sociétés. Francophone avec excellente connaissance de l'anglais.
Noshaq est un fonds d’investissement basé à Liège comptant près de 55 collaborateurs. L'entreprise existe depuis 1985 et soutient la création et le développement de sociétés en (…)
Voor AG Insurance, ben ik op zoek naar een Schadebeheerder Rechtsbijstand. Vloeiend in het Nederlands.
Met meer dan 4.000 medewerkers is AG Insurance de Belgische marktleider in verzekeringen. Al bijna 30 jaar behandelt Providis met zorg en empathie claims in rechtsbijstandverzekering. Het Providis-team adviseert onafhankelijk de particuliere klanten van AG Insurance en streeft ernaar voor elk geval een snelle en bevredigende oplossing (…)
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for a Legal Counsel with a few years of experience in a leading law firm. Fluent in Dutch, with good command of French and English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring the stability of the prices and the financial system, by guaranteeing the security of (…)
Voor Dubai Ports World (DP World), ben ik op zoek naar een Manager Compliance & Legal met een stevige ervaring om het juridisch team te versterken. Nederlandstalig met zeer goede kennis Engels.
DP World, gelegen in de Waaslandhaven, is één van de grootste beheerders van containerterminals wereldwijd. DP World laadt en lost containers van over de hele wereld en vervult op die manier een belangrijke functie als (…)
For Desmet, I am looking for a Contracting and Legal Advisor with about 5 years' experience in contracting. Fluent in English, preferably with good command of French.
Desmet is a leading global provider of custom-engineered plants and equipment for the food, feed and biofuels industries. Their reliable and innovative technologies transform oilseeds, grains and tropical oils into protein feed/food, edible oils/fats, oleochemicals (…)
For AG Real Estate, I am looking for a Senior Corporate Legal Advisor with 6 to 10 years of experience. Fluent in French or Dutch, with good command of the other language and very good command of English.
AG Real Estate, the real estate subsidiary of AG Insurance and real estate advisor of Ageas, is the largest real estate group in Belgium. The company manages a 6.6 billion EUR portfolio of office buildings, shopping centres, (…)
Voor de Nationale Bank van België, ben ik op zoek naar een inspecteur-jurist(e) met relevante ervaring. Nederlandstalig met goede kennis Frans/Engels.
De Nationale Bank van België (NBB) is de centrale bank van België sinds 1850. Zij draagt bij tot een stabiel en duurzaam economisch en financieel klimaat door te waken over de stabiliteit van de prijzen en van het financieel systeem, door de veiligheid van de (…)
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for a Legal Counsel with a first relevant professional experience. Fluent in Dutch or French, with at least passive knowledge of the other language and excellent command of English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring the stability of the prices and the financial (…)
Pour Fednot, je suis à la recherche d'un(e) conseiller(ère) juridique en droit des sociétés ayant une première expérience professionnelle. Francophone ou néerlandophone avec bonne connaissance de l'autre langue.
Fednot (Fédération des Notaires Belges) est l’association professionnelle du notariat. A travers le dévouement de ses 200 collaborateurs, elle assiste (…)
Pour le Groupe Jolimont, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) responsable juridique et assurances francophone ayant une dizaine d'années d'expérience.
Le Groupe Jolimont est le premier groupe de santé wallon. Fort de plus de 5.500 collaborateurs et médecins, il fédère un réseau d'institutions actives dans le Brabant wallon et le Hainaut (6 hôpitaux, maisons de repos, (…)
For a leading independent Belgian law firm, I am looking for a Senior Associate with solid M&A experience. French speaking with very good knowledge of English.
The firm is a leading independent business law firm located in Brussels. Its Corporate & Finance department is one of the largest in Belgium. It assists national and international clients in all corporate and financial matters.
For a Legaltech, I am looking for a Legal Content Manager interested in turning traditional editorial content into digital packages on an innovative digital platform. Fluent in Dutch or French, with good command of the other language.
The company has been founded in 2021 by two well-established publishers known on the Belgian legal market for the quality of their products and services. This new entity aims to accelerate the (…)
For AG Real Estate, I am looking for a Transaction Legal Advisor with 2 to 5 years of experience. Fluent in French or Dutch, with good command of the other language and very good command of English.
AG Real Estate, the real estate subsidiary of AG Insurance and real estate advisor of Ageas, is the largest real estate group in Belgium. The company manages a 6.6 billion EUR portfolio of office buildings, shopping centres, sustainable (…)
For the Motion Picture Association, I am looking for a Legal Counsel with up to 10 years of experience and a strong interest in copyright enforcement. Fluent in English and in other EMEA languages.
The Motion Picture Association is an American trade association representing and defending the interests of the five major U.S. film studios, as well as the video streaming service Netflix. It promotes and protects the intellectual (…)
For the National Bank of Belgium, I am looking for several lawyers for its 'Prudential Control of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies' division. Fluent in French or Dutch, with good command of the other language and English.
The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is Belgium's central bank since 1850. It contributes to a stable and sustainable economic and financial environment by ensuring the stability of the prices and the financial (…)
For one of Europe's leading operators in the delivery of public-private partnership (PPP) projects, I am looking for a Senior Legal Manager with 7 to 10 years of experience. Fluent in Dutch or French, with good command of the other language and very good command of English.
With more than 20 years of success, the company manages all aspects of PPP projects, from the design, construction and financing through to operations, (…)
Pour SAS, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) Legal Counsel ayant quelques années d'expérience en contrats informatiques. Francophone avec excellente connaissance de l'anglais.
SAS est le leader des logiciels et services d'analyse business, et le plus grand fournisseur indépendant sur le marché de la 'business intelligence'. Grâce à des solutions innovantes, SAS aide les clients à (…)
For a full-service leading law firm, I am looking for a Real Estate (Senior) Associate with 3 to 8 years of experience. Fluent in French, with good command of Dutch and very good command of English.
The firm is a leading independent business law firm located in Brussels. It is highly regarded in real estate and ranks among the market leaders.
Pour une Fédération professionnelle représentative basée à l’Est de Bruxelles, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) Legal Advisor. Francophone avec connaissance passive du néerlandais.
Comptant plusieurs milliers de membres en Belgique et constituant la fédération professionnelle la plus représentative de son secteur, cette fédération relie, (…)
Pour Group S, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) Legal Advisor francophone ayant une expérience professionnelle pertinente en droit social.
Fort de ses 80 années d’expérience, Group S est à la fois un secrétariat social destiné aux employeurs, un guichet d’entreprise pour starters, une caisse d’assurances sociales pour indépendants et une caisse (…)
Pour Fednot, je suis à la recherche d'un(e) conseiller(ère) juridique en droit administratif wallon et bruxellois ayant une première expérience professionnelle. Francophone avec bonne connaissance du néerlandais.
Fednot (Fédération des Notaires Belges) est l’association professionnelle du notariat. A travers le dévouement de ses 200 collaborateurs, elle assiste les (…)
Pour Sweco, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) conseiller(ère) juridique ayant au moins 3 ans d'expérience. Francophone ou néerlandophone avec bonne connaissance de l'autre langue nationale et de l'anglais.
Sweco, éminente société de conseil en ingénierie, crée des solutions pour faire face à l’urbanisation et rendre la société plus durable. (…)
Pour la Société Générale de Cautionnement, je suis à la recherche d’un(e) juriste financier ayant quelques années d'expérience. Francophone ou néerlandophone avec très bonne connaissance de l'autre langue nationale.
Active depuis 1921, la Société Générale de Cautionnement est un prestataire de services financiers leader sur son segment. Elle (…)